Moringa Powder and its Benefits for Hair Growth!

Updated: April 11, 2021

how to use moringa for hair

If you’ve come across this article, then I can assume that you are curious about moringa powder, its benefits, and whether it can really be used to grow natural hair.

I can also assume you are trying to use more Ayurvedic herbs and natural products in your natural hair regimen. 

If any of that is true, then this article is just what you were looking for.

We’re going to be going over the benefits of moringa powder, why it’s such a super ingredient for natural hair, and how you can incorporate it into your Ayurvedic hair care routine. 

Here at Hibiscus Roots, we talk about a lot of herbs. Indeed, they all seem to be magical and do amazing things for natural hair. But don’t get us wrong. We’re in no way trying to imply that you need ALL of these herbs to grow long healthy hair.

Au contraire.

We write about all these herbs to show you that with just ONE of these herbs alone you can get SO MANY benefits. 

This way you can feel free to combine them or ignore some of them as you see fit.

We also hope it is encouraging to know that if you can’t seem to get your hands on one herb, you have a glossary of powerful substitutions! 

What is Moringa?

Moringa is a plant that is native to India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and tropical regions. Almost all the parts of the plant are used to make Ayurvedic medicine.

Moringa is relatively fast, cheap, and easy to grow! It is a truly multipurpose power plant. This is because its pods can be prepared like green beans for food, its seeds can be roasted like nuts, while its leaves can be cooked like spinach or steeped to make a tea. The leaves can also be powdered to make condiments, and oil can also be extracted from the seeds! 

You can see moringa as the plant that keeps on giving! 

It is rich in amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, and C. It is also rich in folate, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc.

These are all ingredients that are beneficial when consumed internally and when topically applied to the hair and scalp!  

You can read more about the benefits of micronutrients like zinc here.

What are the Benefits of Moringa Powder for Natural Hair

1. It is a natural cleanser:

Moringa powder when used as a tea (or even as moringa oil) can be used to gently lift dirt off the hair and scalp. This makes it a gentle cleanser for fragile natural hair. 

2. Moringa powder is strengthening:

Moringa powder is rich in calcium and amino acids, a by-product of protein. Amino-acids are also great for cell regeneration. Both on the scalp, and along the strands of the hair. These amino-acids work to rebuild the depleted protein and keratin cells along the hair strand, strengthening it.

3. It combats dandruff:

The antioxidant properties of moringa make it a great ingredient for combating dandruff and other forms of scalp irritation. Because of this, moringa provides a scalp that’s healthy enough for healthy hair growth.

4. Moringa powder promotes healthy new growth:

Moringa powder is rich in zinc, which as we explained in this post supports healthy hair growth. It is also rich in omega3 fatty acids, and iron which moisturizes the scalp and increases blood flow to the hair follicles. 

How Can Moringa Powder be Used for Natural Hair

1. As Moringa Oil:

You can make moringa oil by following our tips in this post on how to infuse any herb into an oil. This would involve letting moringa herbs infuse into a carrier oil. You could also extract the oil from whole moringa seeds. For more details check this video out:

Massage this oil into your scalp, or use it on the strands of your hair as the “O” step of your LOC or LCO method to seal moisture into your hair.

2. As a tea spritz or tea rinse:

For a healthy hair routine, add 1 tablespoon of moringa powder to 1 cup of hot water and allow it to steep until cool. Strain the herbs out, and pour the tea into a spray bottle for easy use.

You can spray this tea on to your hair strands when your hair needs a dose of strength. You can also spray it directly on your scalp to fight excessive shedding or hair fall. Moringa works like green tea in this way and you can read more about how tea rinses stop excess shedding here.

You can also pour this tea all over your hair and scalp immediately after washing your hair. Let it sit on your hair for a few minutes before rinsing it out and following up with a deep conditioner.

3. As a hair mask:

You can also make moringa part of your Ayurvedic hair care routine by making a hair mask out of the powder. For this, basically add about ¼ a cup of moringa to ½ cup of aloe vera gel/aloe vera juice, and ¼ cup of avocado or coconut oil. This would make a great strengthening hair mask for your natural hair.

4. As a hair gloss:

This is my personal favorite way to use moringa (and most other herbs). You can simply add 3 tablespoons of moringa to your regular hair conditioner. You can also include honey for its humectant properties and oil for added conditioning and slip.

Easy DIY Moringa Hair Mask Recipe for Natural Hair

  • ½ cup of any natural hair conditioner (we like this one from Aunt Jackie’s)

  • 2 tbsp moringa powder 

  • 1 tbsp fenugreek powder

  • 1 tbsp avocado oil / any nourishing oil you have. Preferably one already infused with herbs. 

  • Stir well!

  • Apply to freshly washed natural hair.

  • Cover with a plastic cap and let it sit for 45minutes to 1hour 30minutes.

  • Rinse well and style your natural hair as usual.

Read Next: Is Amla Powder the Secret to Overnight Natural Hair Growth?

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